nan da yo -_-
today isn't a good day for me -_-
here's the story go -_-''
Chapter 1
early in the morning, i was late to the station -_- i reached about 8, then waiting the losiest train in kl aka ktm for dunno how long -_- and got the annoucement says that ktm got tecnical problem *wtf* finally the train come -_- packed with sardines and salmons, ok fine, i got into the train at last (my nightmare started T,T)
the train going so damn slow and reached nxt station, it stop at there, the door dun close, then give the lame excuse again, my bag and file is so damn heavy and have to standing between the sardines and salmons =_= then a malay lady standing right in front of me (wearing t-shirt which got "School of Hotel and Tourism" on it) playing with her wet hair (baru cuci kot) then the water spread on me,WTF!!!!! *screams* then then then this lady still can shake her body in this packed train!!! i also tak faham why she shaked *faints*
the train started move again after dunno how long -_- half century kot -__- but it stop again after move from putra station, and it's 8.50am(my class start at 9) and still have 3 more stations to go T,T when i reached kl sentral it's already 8.58am T,,T then still have to take putra lrt *melting* reached college after 9.15am i forgot wat time -_- dun ask me /e5 /e5 /e5
Chapter 2
today college is still ok kot ? i dunno la, same lecturer mumble me, la, biasa dah.. then a super senior give us a talk about graphic designer work, i dun understand why he let us know all about the negative things, he made me more worry about my future -_- i was a little bit feels like giving up last time, but after his talk -_- i feels like giving up n0w -__- don't talk about that, will talk more about that maybe some other time lah =x
Chapter 3
finally, going back time, taking putra lrt with nikki, were talking about our secondary skool time story, about ourselves --___-- la, thank god ntg happened in the lrt -_- then reached kl sentral, go to the ktm station -_- an indian lady (see, a lady again -_- ktm again) sitting on the floor at the platform -_- i thought because of no place to sit, dont mind her la -_- the train was delay again -_- damn you kereta api malaysia /e5 /e5 /e5
standing at there stupidly again -_- then the indian lady suddenly shouting in tamil -_- everyone look at her but she was like -_- ntg happened, then her hp ringing, she talking in tamil bla bla bla, okay, everything turn fine -_- alright alright, train coming later, saw my twins fren when i wanna enter the train, so we enter the train together, guess wut, that indian lady standing right in front of me ! -_-;; b4 the train moving, the indian lady play her hair -______________________- for your information, indian ladies used to have a very long and curly hair right ? -_-; her hair TOUCH MY MOUTH AND MY FACE! WTF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i feels like crying at the moment T,T my twins fren jz looking at me with belas kasihan eye *criessssssssssssssss*
Chapter 3.5
the going back train is packed as well, my mood is down as well =_= then when i get the chance to hold the tiang -_- (if u get wat i mean) when my hand jz wanna hold it, the indian lady came immediately and hold, no, is HUG the tiang *cries and then faint*
reached kepong station at last, and i found that, the indian lady is same station with me, meaning that, she staying in kepong as well -_-
here's the story go -_-''
Chapter 1
early in the morning, i was late to the station -_- i reached about 8, then waiting the losiest train in kl aka ktm for dunno how long -_- and got the annoucement says that ktm got tecnical problem *wtf* finally the train come -_- packed with sardines and salmons, ok fine, i got into the train at last (my nightmare started T,T)
the train going so damn slow and reached nxt station, it stop at there, the door dun close, then give the lame excuse again, my bag and file is so damn heavy and have to standing between the sardines and salmons =_= then a malay lady standing right in front of me (wearing t-shirt which got "School of Hotel and Tourism" on it) playing with her wet hair (baru cuci kot) then the water spread on me,WTF!!!!! *screams* then then then this lady still can shake her body in this packed train!!! i also tak faham why she shaked *faints*
the train started move again after dunno how long -_- half century kot -__- but it stop again after move from putra station, and it's 8.50am(my class start at 9) and still have 3 more stations to go T,T when i reached kl sentral it's already 8.58am T,,T then still have to take putra lrt *melting* reached college after 9.15am i forgot wat time -_- dun ask me /e5 /e5 /e5
Chapter 2
today college is still ok kot ? i dunno la, same lecturer mumble me, la, biasa dah.. then a super senior give us a talk about graphic designer work, i dun understand why he let us know all about the negative things, he made me more worry about my future -_- i was a little bit feels like giving up last time, but after his talk -_- i feels like giving up n0w -__- don't talk about that, will talk more about that maybe some other time lah =x
Chapter 3
finally, going back time, taking putra lrt with nikki, were talking about our secondary skool time story, about ourselves --___-- la, thank god ntg happened in the lrt -_- then reached kl sentral, go to the ktm station -_- an indian lady (see, a lady again -_- ktm again) sitting on the floor at the platform -_- i thought because of no place to sit, dont mind her la -_- the train was delay again -_- damn you kereta api malaysia /e5 /e5 /e5
standing at there stupidly again -_- then the indian lady suddenly shouting in tamil -_- everyone look at her but she was like -_- ntg happened, then her hp ringing, she talking in tamil bla bla bla, okay, everything turn fine -_- alright alright, train coming later, saw my twins fren when i wanna enter the train, so we enter the train together, guess wut, that indian lady standing right in front of me ! -_-;; b4 the train moving, the indian lady play her hair -______________________- for your information, indian ladies used to have a very long and curly hair right ? -_-; her hair TOUCH MY MOUTH AND MY FACE! WTF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i feels like crying at the moment T,T my twins fren jz looking at me with belas kasihan eye *criessssssssssssssss*
Chapter 3.5
the going back train is packed as well, my mood is down as well =_= then when i get the chance to hold the tiang -_- (if u get wat i mean) when my hand jz wanna hold it, the indian lady came immediately and hold, no, is HUG the tiang *cries and then faint*
reached kepong station at last, and i found that, the indian lady is same station with me, meaning that, she staying in kepong as well -_-
At 10:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
you see.. i think today you very pantang with indians =X
aiyar, you'll have your silver lining (better luck) one lar, no need to scare *pat pat colleen*
gu chee gu chee, smile! :D :D
im more to monologing =.='
boinkboinkDOINK. yesh, ingated. for now. =X
cant wait to see you, *screams*
At 12:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
after i read-__- feel like wanna sing daniel powter geh bad day for u =X
Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
You see what you like
and how does it feel
one more time
You had a bad day ...
be happy nia..maybe thats was ur unlucky day ..
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