say good bye to 2005
got the survey from fanta's site, so sopy-paste and answered! XD
Glad to see 2005 go ( yes or no )?
:. maybe ? lolx =x
Age turned in 2005?
:. eighteen
Did you change your hair in 2005? How?
:. got the shortest fringe in my life -_-
The best part of 2005?
:. - no more high skool life XD
- earn my first salary XD
- meet Emily !
- tried "ma la" steamboat !
- got to know some new frens during work
- went europe! like newcastle very much >o<
- went halo cafe! it's nice to celebrate bday there XD~
- learned how to "put down"
-played RO private server!
The worst part of 2005?
:. - college life sucks
- lots of assignments
- increasing amount of bitches and bastard
- miss him badly
- period pain getting worst
- neck and shoulder pain
- fever twice this year
- english speaking
Did you make any new friends in 2005? Who?
:. yeap, my collegue and my college frens -o-
Any new crushes in 2005? Who?
:. nope
Do they know?:
Who will you never forget?
:. everyone of you
Who did you wish you did not meet?
:. too much to list out *laugh*
Did you have a boy/girlfriend in 2005?
:. nope
Did you fall in love in 2005?
:. new one no, old one yes; if u get wat i mean
Did you catch someone in a lie in 2005?
:. nope, i guess
Did you call them out?
:. =_=
Did you get caught in a lie? What was it?
:. takder kot
Funniest moment of 2005?
:. dun remember
Most embarrassing moment of 2005?
:. cried twice in front of classmates
The funniest thing you you saw on TV in 2005?
:. guess guess guess -_-
The funniest thing you heard on the radio?
:. lazy to turn on radio =,=
Did you take any vacations in 2005? Where?
:. yeap, brother's convo in newcastle, some others europe country.
Any new hobbies of 2005?
:. draw eyeliner ? XD
Did you get a new job in 2005?
:. yeap
Did you lose a job in 2005?
:. touch wood
Did you host a party in 2005?
:. nope, i dun like to host any event actually -_-
Did you get in any car accidents in 2005?
:. nope, touch wood
Did you get a ticket in 2005?
:. ticket of wut? -_-
Were you ever arrested in 2005? Wanna say for what?
:. nop -_-
Where did most of your money go?
:. food, snacks, shoes, art material
What song will always remind you of 2005?
:. a song for xx ?
What do you wish you’d done more of?
:. get more and more and more money, buy a car for myself, if possible, pay for the future new house -_-
What do you wish you’d done less of?
:. i dunno
Thing you were really good at in 2005?
:. ntg -_-
Thing you wish you were better at in 2005?
:. ntg as well -_-
In 2005, did you lie to miss a day of work / school?
:. sometimes =x
Did you move in 2005?
:. nope
Did you wish on a shooting star in 2005?
:. lol, dun ever trust to the fairy tale =x
Has your wish come true?
:. seriously, never
Did you have a sleep over in 2005?
:. nop
Did you make-out in public in 2005?
:. nop
What’s the ringer on your cellphone?
:. frens and others is doraemon; family one is newmoon =x
Did you drink too much in 2005?
:. nop
Your favorite commercial of 2005?
:. sony bravia commercial !!! not the m'sia version one -_- that is the best comm i watched so far =x
Did you go to any concerts? Which ones?
:. nope
Something you couldn’t leave home without in 2005?
:. h2o, o2 , money.
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2005::.
- 人总是要往前走,偶而停下看看过去,也许是好的;但就别太过依恋过去
Glad to see 2005 go ( yes or no )?
:. maybe ? lolx =x
Age turned in 2005?
:. eighteen
Did you change your hair in 2005? How?
:. got the shortest fringe in my life -_-
The best part of 2005?
:. - no more high skool life XD
- earn my first salary XD
- meet Emily !
- tried "ma la" steamboat !
- got to know some new frens during work
- went europe! like newcastle very much >o<
- went halo cafe! it's nice to celebrate bday there XD~
- learned how to "put down"
-played RO private server!
The worst part of 2005?
:. - college life sucks
- lots of assignments
- increasing amount of bitches and bastard
- miss him badly
- period pain getting worst
- neck and shoulder pain
- fever twice this year
- english speaking
Did you make any new friends in 2005? Who?
:. yeap, my collegue and my college frens -o-
Any new crushes in 2005? Who?
:. nope
Do they know?:
Who will you never forget?
:. everyone of you
Who did you wish you did not meet?
:. too much to list out *laugh*
Did you have a boy/girlfriend in 2005?
:. nope
Did you fall in love in 2005?
:. new one no, old one yes; if u get wat i mean
Did you catch someone in a lie in 2005?
:. nope, i guess
Did you call them out?
:. =_=
Did you get caught in a lie? What was it?
:. takder kot
Funniest moment of 2005?
:. dun remember
Most embarrassing moment of 2005?
:. cried twice in front of classmates
The funniest thing you you saw on TV in 2005?
:. guess guess guess -_-
The funniest thing you heard on the radio?
:. lazy to turn on radio =,=
Did you take any vacations in 2005? Where?
:. yeap, brother's convo in newcastle, some others europe country.
Any new hobbies of 2005?
:. draw eyeliner ? XD
Did you get a new job in 2005?
:. yeap
Did you lose a job in 2005?
:. touch wood
Did you host a party in 2005?
:. nope, i dun like to host any event actually -_-
Did you get in any car accidents in 2005?
:. nope, touch wood
Did you get a ticket in 2005?
:. ticket of wut? -_-
Were you ever arrested in 2005? Wanna say for what?
:. nop -_-
Where did most of your money go?
:. food, snacks, shoes, art material
What song will always remind you of 2005?
:. a song for xx ?
What do you wish you’d done more of?
:. get more and more and more money, buy a car for myself, if possible, pay for the future new house -_-
What do you wish you’d done less of?
:. i dunno
Thing you were really good at in 2005?
:. ntg -_-
Thing you wish you were better at in 2005?
:. ntg as well -_-
In 2005, did you lie to miss a day of work / school?
:. sometimes =x
Did you move in 2005?
:. nope
Did you wish on a shooting star in 2005?
:. lol, dun ever trust to the fairy tale =x
Has your wish come true?
:. seriously, never
Did you have a sleep over in 2005?
:. nop
Did you make-out in public in 2005?
:. nop
What’s the ringer on your cellphone?
:. frens and others is doraemon; family one is newmoon =x
Did you drink too much in 2005?
:. nop
Your favorite commercial of 2005?
:. sony bravia commercial !!! not the m'sia version one -_- that is the best comm i watched so far =x
Did you go to any concerts? Which ones?
:. nope
Something you couldn’t leave home without in 2005?
:. h2o, o2 , money.
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2005::.
- 人总是要往前走,偶而停下看看过去,也许是好的;但就别太过依恋过去
At 10:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
bugger, steal my things never tell =X i stole also =XXXX
OMG, you never never never approve my comments -_-'
btw, so bangga ah with your quote /e5
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